
Viande de Bousse

This week was fire, I don't want to write an introduction...don't tell my english teacher... Another amazing week here in Togo, no such thing as a bad week when the sun is shining down and ya can buy African tenettes for 50 francs! I love Togo. African tenettes are basically just fried role thingys but they are so good. Miller and I have bought so many this week. This week during a rendezvous we were talking to these lit dudes asking how life is and all that, then I hear what sounds like a dying chicken and I look over, expecting to see a kid trying to out run his mom, but instead I see a DYING CHICKEN!! Not trying to out run his mom btw, he was, however, trying to out run a moto, did not work, this chicken got the Will Smith 1-2 combo to the back of the head and was flopping like a grown man playing soccer. To make things worse the chickens brother took this opportunity to take a couple hits at him too and peck at his love. After the chicken was done flopping I ...

The 2 Hour Project

How is everyone doing on this beautifully gorgeous day of ours? I hope you are all fantastic and thriving! I know I am! Im loving it here in Togo I'm going to see if I can stay for 3 years (for my mothers sake...this is a joke...maybe)  This week we met some fun people, let me tell ya about some! 😁 -a man CONVINCED we were Jehovah Witnesses...we told him we were not about 10 times - a dude that had the cutest puppy that would lay up against to my legs and try to eat my pants, nice to see a dog act like an American dog and not scared to get hit - a family outside their house, dad was cleaning the moto and started speaking English to us, and kept complimenting our French and saying "after the mission, you will get a nice Togo wife" to us... - and finally yoovoo...he was in fact not a yoovoo, if your just joining these emails, yoovoo is an Evé word for "white" we get called yoovoo alot. Anyways we want into this parcel and there was a dude there cooking and an alb...

C'était le bébé

Yo yo whats up everyone! Hope you are all had a fire week! Mine was pretty dang good! Togo is a wonderful country with so many tourist attractions, i invite you all to come and see this country for your self (not you mom, you cant come here while I'm here) This week we had Z.C. and it was awesome! Super spiritual, we learned about teaching heart to heart and truly connecting with everyone we talk too, whether teaching or getting food! I loved zone conference, plus after we got so delicious burgers for lunch. Zone conference has delicious food after, it is a nice little break from rice and noodles I usually have...i did find myself missing that rice and noodles tho... The next day after ZC I had an exchange with the zone leaders and it was a great exchange! Elder Wilden is a hard working man and I learned so much from him, he is from small town, Gunnison Utah, and turns out we hunted the same mountains, so of course we spent alot of time talking about that. I was trying to get him t...

A Whole New World

 I feel like I'm in the movie scene when Aladdin and Jasmine are riding the magic carpet seeing a whole new world with this transfer! My magic carpet is my trusty good ol' Chevrolegs, Elder Miller is my Jasmine, and I am Aladdin singing for all the world...but instead of seeing the world we are walking down dirt roads getting "cat called" and my magic carpet is not zooming us anywhere, Elder Miller...well he's not a girl so he can't be Jasmine, and instead of singing I'm actually just dripping with sweat...ANYWAYS LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS WEEK!  🚭IMPORTANT🚭 If you aren't in my immediate family, you may have notcied my google photos album is is actually against the rules in this mission to have anyone in it that's not family in the album (past missionaries were stupid...) but I was just gonna ignore that rule cause i thought it was dumb...but in my interview with president the thought "obedience brings blessing...EXACT obedience...

Hello There Ladies and Gents

Ladies and gents I have got an email for you today, so get your popcorn and enjoy the read 😁 So, this week started off with a THREE DAY exchange! Which means I'm just getting out of training and I've spent 12 days on exchanges! Both leading sector and in another sector! I love exchanges, i learn so much being with a new comp for a day! This three day exchange was with Elder Morrey cause both our comps are office elders and they had to go do phone audits for 3 days while interviews were going on! Me and Morrey did pretty well I think, we found some good friends to teach, taught some good lessons, fun times! And to end it out! We got degue! (Shout out to Elder Morrey btw) So, after the exchange on Thursday we had interviews with President! And it was awesome, me and President talked for like 45 min about a book he's found recently, some scriptures, what's happening at transfers, and most importantly hunting and fishing, we talked about that during the interview and he wa...

Chicago Bulls and New Yorkies

Short week=just as long of an email...have a good read everyone!  So, this week was only 4 days but man did it feel like 4.5! We did alot of contacting and I'm starting to lead them more so that's actually been so fun! And as I always say "lots of contacting=lots of stories!” So, let me tell ya some! First off was a miracle find, me and Elder Tolman had been contacting ALL day and walking back home pretty tired and ready for ramen, shower, and bed, when this guy came walking up to we stopped...then he looked confused, turns out he was trying to get to the door behind us (his house) and we got in his way...but he ended up being super chill! His name is "dieu-donne" (God given) and we gave him a brochure and BAM while walking home he texted us and we set up a rendezvous with him which was Saturday and it went fire, he is such a cool dude! He had amazing questions and he understood my French😎 Next up we got New York Muslim! While on my exchange with Elder S...

Want Some Drugs?

Hey y'all! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and an amazing New Years, being from the future (like 8 hours ahead) this new year is looking pretty good! Y'all are gonna love it!  So I’m going  to talk about the title of today's email early...cause it's a funny one! Let's just say all the "just say no to drugs!" they taught us in elementary school was useful! We were teaching this guy and he was lowkey so cool and funny, when we walked in the first time there was coffee and whiskey on his table and when we told him the name of our church he put it into youtube and said “I'll research you guys"... so we were pretty sure he wasn't going to contact us, then he did! And, turns out his youtube research brought up these points: we have word of wisdom, law of chastity, AGAINST polygamy, against slavery, annnddd have our own bible. All in all not a bad list, we went over and taught him the BOM isn't the Bible and how the Bible and the BOM wor...