I don't have a title.

Hey y'all, another week here in Africa, another amazing week of adventures! This one is gonna be short cause not much happened butttttt it was still fun! First off on Tuesday mine and Elder Morrey's trainers had to go into the office to do phone audits, so they sent me and Elder Morrey out by ourselves for Tuesday and Thursday, it was so fun, luckily Morrey speaks good French so we were able to get around and stuff, but we had a rich dude chase us out of his court yard (door was open we thought it was ok...is with every other house), accidentally contacted a group of drunk Jehovah Witnesses ...interesting times haha. Then Wednesday I was able to do an exchange with Elder Koffi from Ivory Coast who is a zone leader and that day was fun. Extended like 3 or 4 baptismal invites, celebrated his birthday with degue, and got him a water gun... that was a mistake, so fun times!! Then, Saturday Barnabe and Nathalie got baptized! It was so awesome to watch them be baptized...