Hello There Ladies and Gents

Ladies and gents I have got an email for you today, so get your popcorn and enjoy the read 😁

So, this week started off with a THREE DAY exchange! Which means I'm just getting out of training and I've spent 12 days on exchanges! Both leading sector and in another sector! I love exchanges, i learn so much being with a new comp for a day! This three day exchange was with Elder Morrey cause both our comps are office elders and they had to go do phone audits for 3 days while interviews were going on! Me and Morrey did pretty well I think, we found some good friends to teach, taught some good lessons, fun times! And to end it out! We got degue! (Shout out to Elder Morrey btw)

So, after the exchange on Thursday we had interviews with President! And it was awesome, me and President talked for like 45 min about a book he's found recently, some scriptures, what's happening at transfers, and most importantly hunting and fishing, we talked about that during the interview and he was taking an hour break we talked about it and I got some more photos to show so we talked about those it was awesome! I love interviews! 

Friday was a normal day, pretty good! Taught some lessons, bore some testimonies. It was legit...Saturday we got transfer calls!! I am going to an area called Sangura to work with Elder Miller. We were in the MTC together, he's an absolute unit.  I'm excited to go there and work with Elder Miller! I head on over there on Thursday and live there until further notice! 

Sunday I said bye to a lot of the members and friends there. Sad day, but it's okay! A lot said “oh, Sangura isn't far just come back and visit" and another said “you're my husband, I'll follow you there" so i might have a lady following me👀😂

Okay French word of the week 
Autel= altar 
(Again...Pronounced the same) 

So, I was reading out of D&C 1 this week and realized how much the Lord has told us to listen to the word of God, He even clarified it and said "whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same" which just backs up that we need to listen to the prophet and the deciples and leaders of the church.  I am actually very excited about this year with D&C. I recommend you go to Come Follow Me! 

Elder McKee

**Sangura is about 1/2 hour away from where Andy is now, closer to the border of Ghana.  It’s a biking area.

Elder Morrey
Bola,  Slevestre,  and Tolman
President Attiogbé
Florent,  Emmanuel,  Bola, and in the very back Rodrigue


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