C'était le bébé
Yo yo whats up everyone! Hope you are all had a fire week! Mine was pretty dang good! Togo is a wonderful country with so many tourist attractions, i invite you all to come and see this country for your self (not you mom, you cant come here while I'm here)This week we had Z.C. and it was awesome! Super spiritual, we learned about teaching heart to heart and truly connecting with everyone we talk too, whether teaching or getting food! I loved zone conference, plus after we got so delicious burgers for lunch. Zone conference has delicious food after, it is a nice little break from rice and noodles I usually have...i did find myself missing that rice and noodles tho...The next day after ZC I had an exchange with the zone leaders and it was a great exchange! Elder Wilden is a hard working man and I learned so much from him, he is from small town, Gunnison Utah, and turns out we hunted the same mountains, so of course we spent alot of time talking about that. I was trying to get him to tell me where big bucks are...i think he was trying to get the same information from me... but it was a lit exchange. We saw some super awesome miracles and he had me lead the lessons and it was challenging cause i didn't know the people but it went good! 10/10 exchangeName of this email: on Sunday me and Miller were talking to someone who had a baby asleep on their back (pretty normal I’ll try to get a pic to show y'all) and while we were talking she let out a BIG fart, like everyone obviously heard it and soon be smelling it, and it scared me y'all. I wasn't expecting it and was looking at Miller at the time soo my head whipped where I heard this gassy explosion come from, and she looks and me kinda smiles and goes "c’etait le bébé" HOME GIRL IF THAT BABY FARTED LIKE THAT IT WOULD BE BLASTED 15 FEET IN THE AIR!! Don’t try to blame in on the baby, take credit and be proud your body could produce a fart of that size!French word of week:
péter- fartSo I have talked about it before, the yoovoo yoovoo song, we hear it from 9:30 am till 7:30pm when we get home, kids, parents, grandparents, everyone sings to us. I’ve figured out a response that leaves them pondering and silent.When they sing "yoovoo yoovoo bonsoir!" I sing back "imanebo bonjour!" Which translates from ewe to "I’m black, good morning!" (I think) but any time I sing it back the parents laugh and go "yoovoo said imanebo!!" And the kids don't know what to do. It’s fun to see them get some confused (also imanebo is spelt wrong but thats what im going with so if you know correct spelling...shut up)
Spiritual thought:
I have been studying Spiritual gifts this week and I love them! Each of us, EVERY SINGLE PERSON, has Spiritual gifts, gifts God has given us for this life, each are different from others but each one is very important and what I love most is YOU CAN GET MORE! If you pray and have a desire to gain more Spiritual gifts you can! Like for the past 5 months I’ve been praying for the gift of tongues (just like every other missionary learning a language) and as I've aligned using that gift help others come to Christ, its come in times I need it the French flows, and sometimes its a-little rocky but Spiritual gifts are amazing. Go read about them in:
Moroni 10: 8-18D&C 46: 11-331 Corinthiens 12: 1-12They are awesome.Anyways y'all that’s it for this week. I love you all so very much, remember who you are and what you stand for! Be safe out there and buckle up!Love,Elder McKee
At transfers
Elder MillerOur church
Helped with cement work
man cut this down with a hatchet
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