A Whole New World

 I feel like I'm in the movie scene when Aladdin and Jasmine are riding the magic carpet seeing a whole new world with this transfer! My magic carpet is my trusty good ol' Chevrolegs, Elder Miller is my Jasmine, and I am Aladdin singing for all the world...but instead of seeing the world we are walking down dirt roads getting "cat called" and my magic carpet is not zooming us anywhere, Elder Miller...well he's not a girl so he can't be Jasmine, and instead of singing I'm actually just dripping with sweat...ANYWAYS LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS WEEK! 

If you aren't in my immediate family, you may have notcied my google photos album is missing...it is actually against the rules in this mission to have anyone in it that's not family in the album (past missionaries were stupid...) but I was just gonna ignore that rule cause i thought it was dumb...but in my interview with president the thought "obedience brings blessing...EXACT obedience brings miracles” -MTC President Lords, so i decided to not break that rule anymore and kick everyone off. My mom started a google photo and will add my photos and videos.  That new link is  


So this last Tuesday and Wednesday morning were my last days in Kegue. Tuesday I had an exchange with Elder Kunz, it was pretty lit, my last exchange in Kkegue, led sector and taught some fire lessons!
 Wednesday we had district coucil then got food with everyone and that was lit! A fun time indeed, I love that district! 
Thursday morning me and Tolman did some work in the morning just like normal...then transfers happened, we went to the stake center, met all the other Togo missionaries, met up with my new comp Elder Miller, talked with every one then got told if our comps are there we gotta go. So, Miller and I left, unable to see all the Benin elders coming over...depressing I'm sorry ike ake...i wanted to stay😔

These past couple days have been lit! Sangura is a lit area! Its a little less city than Kegue and everyone is so nice! Lots of voodoo villages though...

Y'ALL I ALREADY GOT A WIFE HERE! first night here we were talking (Miller knew her already) and she goes "want to be my husband" (100% joking btw) and I go "yeah sure" and she goes "okay you have to pay the dote" (something to guys pay the girls family to marry her...its stupid and makes it almost impossible to be married here) I said "no that's stupid" and then me and Miller got in an "argument" with her about the dote...she likes the idea...we don't...

Sangura is a biking sector and , ladies and gents, biking is so much fun, flying past people they dont even know what's happening and don't got time to sing to us! And we make it places so much faster. The church is a 30 min walk from our house but on bikes we get there in like 10 min. It's lit! 

French update: me and Miller are cooking it up, everyone us understanding us, we are understanding them (for the most part) it's the spirit helping us fr fr, these past couple days I've seen my French improve a butt load

All in all, this transfer is gonna be a good time! Im excited to work with a MT (someone i went to the mtc with) and get to know the people of Sangura! 

The spiritual thought this week is from President Thomas S Monson. I've started reading/listening to every single one of his talks...all 234 of them...I'm on 11 and they are all gas! But this quote i really liked "The road to anywhere is the road to nowhere, and the road to nowhere leads to dreams sacrificed, opportunities squandered, and a life unfulfilled." (Which road will you travel. 1976) I love this quote. If we are okay going anywhere...we will end up nowhere, we need to be visionary, have a destination in mind, make a plan, take any opportunity you can to get to that destination. Thomas S Monson is an inspiration to us all. i will include this talk and a video I watched that made me want to read all of his talks below! 

I LOVE YOU ALL, MISS YOU TONS! Be safe this week, pray always, be confident that prayers will be answered, have a destination in mind....AND BUCKEL UP!! 

Idk why but I think these are funny

Elder McKee

This rat reminds me of Ratoutille

A voodoo House
Togo Panda Express
Kegue District


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