Hello everyone, how's y'all Christmas season going? Hope you all are getting excited and going to tbe giving machines the church is putting up!! (Ya know…there's stuff in those to Africa...maybe I'll see the goat you give a family 😁)
This week was a fun one for sure! Did more contacting and taught some lessons...the usual i guess...but it's still fun!
This week on types of people we contacted:
-a dude from Togo...speaks only English and Eve, his wife speaks only French and Eve… don't really know how that happened...buttt he started yelling about how everything in Benin is voodoo, i though it was hilarious, he is legitimately scared of Benin.
-a lady that said she was to busy to come to church and be taught...then she showed up to church yesterday with her husband! Pretty sick!!
-a girl from Florida! Both her parents are from Togo, but they went to Florida for her dad’s job or somethin, i don’t remeber. She grew up Catholic but she came back to Togo to "switch to traditional religion" (voodoo) and in her words (channeling valley girl accent) "ya know how you just always wanted to...but it was never the right time...? Well now is the right time for me." In my mind I thought "oh so you're having a mid life crisis" but i didn't say tha, don't worry!
-a momma who said her husband owned the property...but then said he was dead...then said THEY'D like to learn more...👻
Now, lets talk about this weeks title! One evening about 2 weeks ago, we were at the church for a meeting and were talking to one of the stake councilors or soemthing and i was understanding the convo (not talking tho) and I heard him say something about degué which i love (it’s a food) so i go "oh j’aime Degué beaucoup!" And he thought it was the funniest thing and told me when I give a talk in a couple weeks he will bring me some! Well, fast forward to this week, we are walking down the street and a moto comes by and it’s him and he yell "bonsoir elder deguè!" And then, Saturday we had practice time with the primary for the singing they are doing at the church party and this dude's wife is incharge of it and she comes up to me and says (in French) "so you like deguè? My husband said you do" and me and Elder Tolman were like "what the? hahaha. Y'all go home and talk about the missionaries?" It was prety funny, i am now known as Elder Deguè (there's worse things to be known for).
Sorry y'all I'm running out of time so for spiritual thought, read scriptures with a purpose, have a question or a thing you want to find in the scriptures, makes it more meaningful!
(Also shout out to Tori for an awesome farewell talk yesterday! Have fun in Germany)
Love you all!
Baby goat
African trash control...or voodoo sacrifice
Elder Tolman carrying water
I want to bring this home
Yoovoo moment with Elder Harris
Average auto mobile here in Togo
Elder Tolma is available
First date question right here.
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