T-minus 2 days!

This is officially my last p day in the MTC! And, I hit one month since I left home this last week! Crazy stuff! It's going so slow but so fast.

Before i get started...that package my mom sent FULL of snacks....it was gone in 2 days...the caramels lasted a little longer cause I hid those and the Africans didn't like them, so they didn't steal any, but even then, they didn't last long. All the Americans ate so many snacks and the next day all of our stomachs hurt...they were used to chicken and rice, not a lot of sugar here!

This week is a huge week of change! This Wednesday I am going to my mission! I am so excited to get out there and have no idea what is going on! 

So, I was sitting in the hallway with Elder Giles as we waited for our comps to get some vaccines and this Sister I've talked to a few times, I taught her some English and she taught me some French (she is from my mission) comes up and says "listen to this I've been practicing!" And hands me headphones so I put them in and “Somebody I used to love" was playing and she is singing along, staring me in the eye, the left eyeball to be exact, and I'm like not knowing where to look and I'm looking at Giles and instead of helping THIS GUY HUNG UP ON HIS FAMILY TO PAY BETTER ATTENTION TO THIS SITUATION UNFOLD!!! And at the end of the song I go "...yeah...goodjob" and she goes "that was for...you!" Then runs off!! Like what?! Did this sister missionary confess her love for me!? And Giles goes "...what just happened...?" And I go "no idea..." that was crazy, still can't believe what happened. 

President was going to give a devotional on the second coming but ended up talking about repentance and it was honestly fire. He winged this whole hour devotional and it was legit. He's a great President. He loved the caramels my mom sent btw!  President came up to me while I was in the cafeteria  and I asked him since he was here so long does he get sick of chicken and rice for every meal.  He said yes, but unlike me he can run down to Burger King any time he wants to and get a burger.  I tried to pay him to go get one for me, but he just laughed.  

So, this week has been great! I've been relistening to the conference talks in French and English, and I am learning so much! You should all go listen to them! 
Love you all, miss you tons!! 

Photos are about to get better! Join my photo album

Elder McKee


How’s the French coming along? Andy: Ehhh not gooood, we took a fluency test and I got a 1.6.  They would say  something to us and we had to recite it, but the prompts got to be like paragraphs long.  If I’m not reciting I am pretty good, but I couldn’t remember everything that was being said.  I was pretty mad that day.  But I did get 2nd in the French Kahoot.  We showed the teacher what Kahoot was.  

What does your Sunday schedule look like? Andy: Comp study, breakfast, leadership council,  Sacrament meting,  Priesthood, District lesson, lunch, District Council, Heath and Safety workshop, Free time, Dinner, MTC President Devotional.  Our free time is from 3-4:45. 

Do you think you missed out on some experiences not going to Provo MTC?  Andy: I have loved the Ghana MTC, so nah, I am glad I came here. 

Shared treats from my package with these guys.  Shut the door so no one else would come in. 
The Africans liked the glow sticks.  They haven't seen them before.

2nd place in French Kahoot!
The Sister in brown is the one who sang to me.  
We are friends, I was just a little shocked. 
She did good on her English.

Elder Giles self portrait


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