Am I getting Cat Called?

Hey yall!! One full week down in the field!! It's been such a fever dream I don't even know where to begin. I am loving it here, sure I'll love it even more when I know French, I'm improving every day tho so I'm getting better! 

First off! We have 3 people on date for baptism! 1 this week and 2 next week and I think tomorrow we are inviting another dude to be baptized, we have only taught him once but he has been coming to church with his friend for months, has read the BOM, loves the church and believes it all, so we just got to help him understand some questions he has a little more and he will be ready! His friend, Bola, has also been such a big help, he comes with us to lessons and really helps this guy feel comfortable. Bola has such a strong testimony about the church, when he shares it with you (even in French) you can feel the spirit so strong. 

Anyways, let's talk about this title shall we? So, I've been cat called every time we leave the house. It's either kids, and even the parents, sing a song to us "yovo yovo bonjour (or bonsoir if it's after lunch) yovo yovo bonjour!" And they just repeat it and follow us, but as soon we we turn to them they run away scared. haha Not many of them have seen white people before, and a lot of the grown men make kissing noises at us! Then, we look at them and they wave and smile creepily, we love getting kissed at!
Also, one dude told me I'm very beautiful...nice to get told that from time to time!

Also! I am finding out how much these people love to feed us! If you go to a members house after like 6 they feed you food! It's usually pat or fufu but it tastes so good so I'm not complaining. I'm learning how to make fufu Congolese right now and then I'm learning how to make fufu Togalese so when I'm back I’m going make a cook book if anyone wants it! The food here  usually has a little bit of spice to it, sometimes it's alot of spice and that can be hard time handle. But that's because they put these super spicy peppers in it called Piedmont (may have spelled that wrong) but it's super spicy, but it has a good taste to it, too, Africa is weird like that! 

Members love to hear me try and read in French so whenever we read they make me do it, then laugh at me, and ask what the word is. Tolman says the EXACT SAME THING AS ME and they understand.  I hate/love French, I'm okay with it tho cause it makes them pay better attention and then they learn more 😎 it's called strategy, be bad at French so they have to listen more closely. I'm a genius! 

We have been finding a lot and there are some crazies out here. One dude went off on how we are already Gods and don't need churches, one guy went off saying he cant say he will come to church cause then if he doesn't he will go to hell.  a group of like 20 women yelling at us in a language we don't know then laughing when we ask “what?" Some crazy drunk/high dudes yelling at us, and let me tell ya, I thought French was hard...drunk French is so much harder to understand. 

Anyways I love Africa! If you have any questions about anything that wasn't in this email feel free to email me! Ill respond on p-days 

OH ALSO!! Read the BOM daily it will bless your life. I've been reading it whenever I can this past week and I've seen blessings that are coming from it.  So read and pray daily, God loves you and wants to hear from you, so pray to him! Tell him about your day! 

Love ya guys, be safe out there!

Elder McKee


How are you doing mentally?  Andy:  Good! Honestly too busy to be thinking about anything but the mission.  I think the hardest times to be here is when hunting seasons are happening and you all are at Lake Powell.  I’m too tired at night when we get home and usually just fall asleep.  The other day we were walking and it was way hot, and I was tired and I asked myself “what am I doing? Why am I here?”  then I thought “Man Up.  You can do this.” and I was fine.  Tolman and I were walking and saw a plane over head and I asked him if he thought it was going to American.  And he said probably.  Then he asked me how far away that plane is and I said probably about a mile.  And he said “ No dude, it’s like 2 years away for you, and 7 months for me.” ha.

How was your week?  Andy: It was good!  Lots of walking.  I feel like I’ve seen most of my area.  This was the longest/shortest, best/worst week ever.  Worst because of the French. It’s just an adjustment, but I am picking up on more and more words slowly so that’s good.  Best because I’m in Africa with amazing people.  

How’s your stomach with the food?  Andy:  Good. Just threw up the first night cause some dude gave me the spiciest rice in the world, but other than that, good.  If it’s fish I just tell them my stomach can’t handle that, and Tolman eats the fish.  Then we’re both happy.   Fufu Congolese is my favorite one so far.  I’ll make it for you when I get home.  But here is the way the member explained how to make it:
Put a post of water on the stove, warm it up, but not too much, enough that when you put our finger in it it hurts, but not too bad.  Then, add four but not too much, and stir, then let it boil but not for too long, then let it cool.  After it’s cooled for a little put it back on the flame and add a lot of four, not too much tho, but not to little, and stir, it should stiffen up but not much.  Let it sit for a little, but not too long, and not too short.  Now, take it off the flame and stir.  You may have to put it in-between your legs to hold the pot while you mix it.  Mix it until you feel it’s done…then mix some more, should look kind of like mashed potatoes.  Now if you have followed these steps perfectly you should have a good fufu Congolese.  (sauce recipe coming next week.)

What are you doing today for P-day and are you getting use to the heat?  Andy:  Basketball, then we are gonna get burgers, and go to the store. Also, we got a pretty nice washer so laundry should be done quick this week.  Not getting use to the heat…not at all.  Sweating constantly.  power wen tout yesterday for like 4 hours and at lunch we were all dripping with sweat without our fans. 

What can we pray for to help you? Andy: The gift of tongues.  and also we are teaching about 25 people and you can pray for them too.

Our Stake Center and Elder Tolman

The Kelegougen football team, all members.  I play goalie cause I'm slow and awful at football.  The goal is a couple of stacked cinder blocks that the ball can't touch it and the goalie can't block with his hands.

yams for FuFu
I did not eat the fish.

This drink saved my life.
Cray dude wrote this on our gate...then told me I have to fix his shoe cause we are brothers.  (He was speaking English, French, and some tribal language.)
Random hole I found filled with trash and logs on it....50% sure there is a body inside.
Meet the twins:  Alexander and Hamilton

Trash with random animals....No, I did not stop walking to take this picture.

Y'all should be proud, I ate beans and rice...the flakes and powder are spicy!
A lit family, I said, "vous êttes noir" and they laughed.  (Translated:  You are black)


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