8 Days Left in the MTC???


I am so excited...my French is not good but, I'll get that there.

This week was a good week! Not much happened just classes and eating. Pretty much it! Except for Saturday and Sunday! Conference was those days! It was pretty weird watching the morning session live...at 4 pm, we would watch conference eat, meet with our district then go to the afternoon session at 8 pm. It was  tripping for sure! But, the talks were all so good. I noticed a lot were on the love of God and our jobs here on earth, great great stuff.

Sunday afternoon session I decided to move a comfy chair next to the MTC president and sit by him, fully believing he was gonna have me move, but when he came he was so happy to see me by him and sat down and asked how I was enjoying conference annnndddd HE GAVE ME M&MS. It's been a month since I've had chocolate and man it tasted so good, it was like gold. We were talking about all the church callings he has had and this man and his wife have worn the Tag for 14 years! Plus 2 years with his youth mission, that's crazy. They have been MTC president's at Provo, South Africa, and now Ghana! They were also mission president's but I forgot the mission, that's crazy. It would be so cool to be a MTC or mission president, maybe one day I'll be like him. After Uchtdorf gave his amazing talk President Lords leaned over and says “He's a good speaker, huh" and I go “Yeah him and Holland are my favorite" and he says "yeah...he's my next door neighbor, we are pretty good friends with him" and he said it so casual too! I was like hold up! For real?? This man is best friends with an Apostle. I also asked him how many Authorities he's meet and he says "most of the 70, all of the 12, President Monson when he was alive...and President Nelson a couple times." Then looked at me like this 🙂 like it's a normal thing to meet all this people. This dude and his wife are so cool. I talked to them for like 20 min after conference, I'm going try to meet Uchtdorf through him.

Also, I met a super nice sister from Benin. Through Google translate I asked her some basic questions like "what's the food like? And have you seen Voodoo?" When I handed her the phone she just laughed and said "the food is the same as here and yeah I've seen Voodoo, it's in some parts of the country but other parts don't have it...you'll see some though!" It was so funny, she's so nice. 

And, there are rumors there's a white sister coming this Thursday to Ghana MTC (there are no white sisters here) and a bunch of Americans are getting all excited and can't wait to see if it's true 😂 (I'm not! I'm locked in on the mission) but there's a lot of Americans that are like telling each other advice to flirt without breaking the rules 🙂‍↔️ so that's a fun time.

Anyways, not much else happened this week! Love you all, go relisten or listen to conference there were some amazing talks. Have an amazing week. Remember God loves you and you are never out of his reach! 
Love, Elder McKee
Email me..I can read them all week long, just can’t reply until p-day.   andrew.mckee@missionary.org

**How are you feeling, health wise and are you taking your vitamins?  Andy:  Good, my stomach still hurts sometimes, but that’s about it.  Yeah, I started to cause the vitamins taste like fruit snacks.  What happens if you take too many vitamins?  It says 2 and don’t exceed it.  I ate like 10 yesterday.  I miss fruit snacks!

**I knew you would miss fruit snacks and granola bars.   Andy: Haha, we just finished off the granola bars this week.  A sister really wanted my last one and I was so sad to give it to her.  I had to hide them for awhile. 

Got a package today from Mom.  It has fruit snacks and dipped carmels in it!! and I’m hiding it on my bed under my covers.

President and Sister Lords

Elder LeLeKumo hiding.

MTC mind control
Elder Parker Cowley singing at conference with the missionaries from the MTC.  
He's on the end in the red tie.
Bee trying to get into the MTC, Andy ready to get out of the MTC
Conference drawing
Learning the days of the week.  Tuesday is pronounced Marte...shout out to dad.


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