What Happens with Tires!?!?

Hey y'all! 7 days here in the Ghana MTC down, about 27 left! I get an early session so I am only here for 4 1/2 weeks! Pretty dang cool. Since last p day ALOT has happened so this may be long but I'll try to keep it short. Before I start, everyone should be proud, I ironed my shirts this week! Told you I could do it mom! On a totally unrelated note did you know you could melt shirts? Who knew huh! Well, Ike Ake did and warned me before I got all the way through on it, he's a good companion. 

So, basically we are hounded to be in class on time but a lot of time the teachers are late, so my district have ALOT of alone time together and those are honestly the best parts of the day! We are all laughing and yelling and just hanging out, it makes me feel like home, but we have had some CRAZY conversations dude. Like the Nigerians have some crazy stories. They told us about jungle justice, which is basically they took jobs as the police because the police won't do anything at all. So, instead of going to the cops they go hunt down the criminal and either beat him, shoot him, or THEY PUT HIM IN TIRES AND BURN HIM!!! THEY TAKE CAR TIRES ANS SHOVE YOU IN THEM!!!! One elder was saying he's seen it and you just walk away and don't say anything. Also, VOODOO!! They have seen people who practice Voodoo and they walk through walls or even bullets bouncing off them!! Idk if it's real but I've has many other elders and sisters confirm it so idk what to belive, they said I might see some in Benin too, so we will see🤷‍♂️ They also said that if they get a full body picture of you then that can be the Voodoo doll and cause pain through that picture. So no one will be getting a full body pic of me, unless they give me cool scars or like cut off my leg or something cool like that. 

Also, went to the temple! The Ghana temple is so cool, it's small but gorgeous! The paintings are a different style that what is in any other temple I've been to. We did a session and it was so nice, the elder next to me only spoke French so before it started I tried talking to him...didn't go so well, no idea what he was saying. It's okay tho! Only 7days here so I'll learn more as I talk to them more! I honestly don't know why people say the MTC sucks BTW, I've loved it here.  The nights I think about home alot and get home sick, but I quickly fall asleep cause I am TIRED, but anyways the MTC is the best. I freaking love it, everyone is so nice and loves to joke around. I also figured out that if you don't say hi to as many Africans as you can they will have imaginary beef with you and will until you say hi to them, and instead of waving they just do thumbs up and if you are OK you give a thumbs up too, I didn't know that, so a couple Africans came up and asked if I was OK, I was very confused. 

Me and Ike-Ake taught our first lesson the other day and it was legit. We absolutely crushed it, crazy thing is I was saying scriptures I didn't really remember to be honest, like he would answer a question and I'd be like BAM HERES A SCRIPTURE TO HELP ANSWER THAT. The spirit helped me to know what to say and we did good. Stuff to work on but we did good. I'm proud of us. 

So another thing, I've learned that Africans have a hard time understanding me just like sometimes I can't understand them. So, we have a mutual agreement that we talk slowly haha. So, at the meals we have chicken and rice every meal, except breakfast that's eggs and hot dogs, and don't worry I've eaten enough, I've gained weight since getting here. I'll loose it when I'm not sitting jn a class room all day though I'm not worried. The rice plain is pretty well....plain... but Ike-Ake being the absolute G he is, showed me the stuff called STEEW and it's so good, it's got some spice on it and it's like sauce to go on your rice and it makes it SO good bro I love it. And also, I learned how to eat the chicken bone, some African sister was getting mad at me for not eating the bone " it's the best part" so when in Africa, am I right? I ate the bone, wasn't bad at all! 6/10 would eat again. They said the chicken wasn't cooked right so the bone wasn't as "sweet" later found out that sweet to them means not spicy, BTW.  

My week was so fun! Mission is great, y'all should serve if you haven't already, and are able to. Great time out here. Always remember God loves you and that will never change, if youd like to talk to me, just text me on messenger and I'll reply on p days, love you all! 

Elder McKee out 🫡

Common area

The District 
In the elevator
Showing us how big the shower is.

"What I'm really thinking about during class."


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