It's not all Sunshine, Cupcakes, and Rainbows!

So, the pdays here in the MTC are completely random, it's only been 5 days so not much to write about but enjoy the read, there's some good stories 😀

So, first off we taught some lessons this week and they went good. Yesterday we taught and while me and Ike Ake didn't get to go, Lelekumo and McClure had a good time haha. She expressed concern about her parents dying and was wondering about  Resurrection and Lelekumo got nervous and said “Well, the scriptures say that God our Eternal Father died on the cross for our sins" (which is wrong, it was Jesus Christ the son of God who did that) and the "investigator" goes "...oh where does it say that?" And he went "I'll show you another time just trust me on this" then a little later in the lesson she expresses that she's missing her parents and he goes "well life isn't always sunshine, cupcakes, and rainbows now is it?!" And after he told us all of this he goes "my brain was yelling at me to stop but my mouth kept moving!" It was so funny, we will help him learn how to teach before he leaves. 

Another "fun" thing was I went to iron my shirt and the iron heat dial got spun way up somehow and as soon as I touched the iron to my shirt it burns right through it. There's a big hole in one of my shirts now, right in the back...looks like someone shot fire at me or something. Pretty cool looking not gonna lie.
ALSO I GOT A BURGER THIS WEEK!! ITS TASTED SO GOOD I ALMOST CRIED. It didn't taste like a normal burger but it tasted American. I ate like 2 or 3 and all the kids getting them were white kids from America. Ike Ake said he didn't like it that much but he ate it pretty quick...I just don't think he wants to admit he likes American type food 😂

The MTC is alot of the same type of classes with very small differences in them, but those small changes can mean alot with the spirit. We had a lesson on family history and I'd like to thank my mom for caring so much about that, she taught me alot ❤️  but I tried to talk to a French elder (I don't speak French yet and he doesn't speak english) so we used Google translate, well either Google translate wasn't working or he doesn't know what year it is and ate liver for lunch. All they serve here is chicken, by the way. 😂😂 

Also, our classroom smells SO BAD!  I think something died in the vent, but the employees think someone threw up on the ground.  We had to switch rooms while they wiped everything down and when we got back in, it still smelled so BADDDD.

The MTC is still an amazing place and I've felt the spirit so strong here. While teaching I feel it and when I do I've noticed I can recall scriptures I've read to help the person alot easier, and I can turn to the scriptures quick. The church is true ladies and gentlemen. You all should read Moroni 10 this week, it's a great chapter we have studied this week! 

Go serve someone today! Show Christ like love to someone through out your day! I love you all, email or message me and I'll reply when I can! 

Love, Elder McKee
Email  me at or  message me on messenger.
Fun pictures and videos 😁

Extras questions and answers:
**How’s the classes  going?    It’s pretty  much the  same  every  day.  I  wasn’t paying  attention  one  class and  got called on and  said  the same answer I said  before  and  she goes, “very true, very true.”  Haha.   But we start  French lessons on  Friday so  that  will  be  good.
**Are  you getting   along with your companion?    Yes,  When we get tired of each other  after 24/7  we sit on opposite sides  of the room for awhile.   We  are known as the companionship of giants. Both tall, but he’s  jacked.   I’ve been telling everyone that his name, Ike Aka,  means lion  killer.   He thinks it’s funny,   but  keeps telling everyone it doesn’t  and it  means  strong  man,  and they go “PFFt same thing.”
**How are you feeling on the Doxy drug (Malaria)?    Not feeling sick, but I have very realistic dreams of people being in my room and talking to me.  Woke up one night with my hand on the door knob because I was going to follow someone out the door.  Learned that the later I take the pill in the day the more realistic the dreams are so I’m going  to try  and take it right before bed and see what I dream.
**What are p-days like?   Laundry, ping pong, basketball.  Classes in the evening. Talk to family.

And mom is starting a Go Fund Me for shirts… this rate she says I will need 102 more white shirts.  2 weeks in and 2 shirts down. 

 Me and Elder Lelekumo

Cover Your Assets
Malaria Fireside

Freshest Water in Ghana

Best Hamburger!

Elder Kiala is leaving tomorrow morning to Nigeria!   He's learned English these  past 9 weeks. 
He was my neighbor and I'd help him with his English. (He corrected me a few times.)

 Elder  Harris deep into his reading.


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