
Good afternoon brothers and sisters, before I begin I would like to point out that This is the first talk I have given in this ward. I haven't given a talk in church since I was 12, and my dad wrote that talk. I have been called to serve in the Benin Cotonou mission, if you don't know where that is...neither do i. It's West Africa I'm pretty sure. I wanted to open with some fun facts because hardly anyone knows that this place exists.

1. Voodoo  originated in Benin, i've heard that it's different than voodoo 

2. Malaria is the #1 cause of death and hospitalizations in benin

3. The national animal is a leopard
4. Yams are eaten with most meals

So now you all know as much as I do about Benin.
Today I have been asked to talk about why I decided to serve a mission and put the Lord's name on my chest. If you had a 12 year old and this question my answer would be “my parents say i should and that it is the right thing to do!” which is a great answer! I just knew that couldn't be the only reason I went. So I wanted to find an answer for myself about whether I should go.

And in 2018 I found my answer. I was 13 years old and the prophet did a youth devotional with his wife where they talked about gathering Israel and how that could mean many things, whether its temple work, being kind to your neighbor, or missionary work in its many forms. For a 13 year old Andy it meant missionary work, so now I've had Sunday school teachers, the prophet AND my parents say that I should go on a mission, that should be enough for me right? Wrong, I still haven't figured out for myself that I should go out and serve. And my amazing parents, having taught me that mission is right, also taught me that if I have any questions I can ask God in prayer. So one night I decided to pray. I got on my knees and asked, “Is this a mission for me?” I sat there for a little while in silence and waited for any feeling but didn't feel anything, said amen and peeked one of my eyes open, not sure what I was looking for exactly, maybe an angel to come down and tell me, idk. So I stood up and looked around, in case that angel was hiding. Then I went to bed. That night I had a dream that I was serving a mission. Me and my companion were walking down the streets of... Denver colorado. Now I'm sure you all can see, I am not going to Colorado on my mission. BUT I think there's a reason I didn't dream of Benin when I was 13. That reason is i would have freaked out seeing africa, 13 year old me seeing benin and not knowing anything about it and having no idea where that is? It would have scared me so much that I may not be going today. I think the lord knew that so he showed me a place I know and wouldn't be as scared to go there.

While growing up I have had many other experiences that made me want to go on a mission such as my HXP trip to Mozambique for 2 1⁄2 weeks where we served the people of Maputo and built a hospital. While there I saw the missionaries performing baptisms and while standing there I felt the spirit so strong and I just felt like Africa was the place for me to be. I kind of brushed that feeling away but the next day while walking to a family's house for Family Home Evening the sun was setting and it was gorgeous and I could hear a soft voice telling me that I will be back to see just as amazing sunsets again. This time i couldn't deny it, it was the holy ghost telling me i am going to africa for my mission. And that night the family talks about their conversion story and I was just felt with so much joy that they were able to hear about the gospel from these random teenage boys from across the world! I wanted to be like those teenagers that helped this family to find joy through our savior Jesus Christ. So now I am set in colorado or africa. Pretty different areas but both just as beautiful.

Brothers and sisters I could talk for hours on why I want to serve the lord but these experiences are the main reasons why I decided to serve. At this time I would like to thank all my young men's leaders for talking about how their missions impacted them for the better and also my amazing aunts and uncles. You all have done more for me than you know, teaching me to stand up for myself and those I love. My friends for sticking with me for these couple of years and being able to make me laugh when I had a hard day. My siblings for being the best siblings anyone can ask for, and for your examples as you each served missions. And lastly my wonderfully kind caring and wild parents, you have been with me through thick and thin, showing me to love everyone and to include everyone i can in everything. You are the most important people in my life, I wouldn't be the person I am today, I would be lost without you guys. 18 days till i report to the mtc but i can already see my mission changing my life for the better, Je vous aime tous, je vous verrai dans deux ans. I love you all see you in 2 years
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

We didn't get too many pictures of all the people who showed up to support Andy. But we are so thankful for everyone who came. Andy gave a great talk, and it was so personable and relatable.


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