
Showing posts from October, 2024

T-minus 2 days!

This is officially my last p day in the MTC! And, I hit one month since I left home this last week! Crazy stuff! It's going so slow but so fast. Before i get started...that package my mom sent FULL of was gone in 2 days...the caramels lasted a little longer cause I hid those and the Africans didn't like them, so they didn't steal any, but even then, they didn't last long. All the Americans ate so many snacks and the next day all of our stomachs hurt...they were used to chicken and rice, not a lot of sugar here! This week is a huge week of change! This Wednesday I am going to my mission! I am so excited to get out there and have no idea what is going on!  So, I was sitting in the hallway with Elder Giles as we waited for our comps to get some vaccines and this Sister I've talked to a few times, I taught her some English and she taught me some French (she is from my mission) comes up and says "listen to this I've been practicing!" And hands

8 Days Left in the MTC???

GUYS, I LEAVE IN 8 DAYS!! IN 8 DAYS I WILL BE IN BENIN!! I am so French is not good but, I'll get that there. This week was a good week! Not much happened just classes and eating. Pretty much it! Except for Saturday and Sunday! Conference was those days! It was pretty weird watching the morning session 4 pm, we would watch conference eat, meet with our district then go to the afternoon session at 8 pm. It was  tripping for sure! But, the talks were all so good. I noticed a lot were on the love of God and our jobs here on earth, great great stuff. Sunday afternoon session I decided to move a comfy chair next to the MTC president and sit by him, fully believing he was gonna have me move, but when he came he was so happy to see me by him and sat down and asked how I was enjoying conference annnndddd HE GAVE ME M&MS. It's been a month since I've had chocolate and man it tasted so good, it was like gold. We were talking about all the church callings he

Karate Kid??

So, this week was great! We started French and found out we get out a week early! I have 2 more weeks, then I'm in Benin! 14 days! I'm so excited to go serve the people of my mission! We are leaving a week early because some of the mission presidents in Africa have a big conference the next week, so anyone who was suppose to leave that week is leaving earlier so their president is there to greet the new missionaries.   So, here's the weekly Lelekumo section: There's a new elder here from Korea (Elder Yoo) and Lelekumo is so curious about him and he asked him if he know a couple different Chinese actors and Elder Yoo goes “No, they are from China, I'm from Korea" and Lelekumo goes "ohhh OK" then goes quiet for a few minutes while we all talk. He then goes "do you know karate?" And Elder Yoo goes "no...again from China...I think" and Lelekumo goes "Kung fu??" And Yoo goes "thatsJapan I think" and Lelekumo goes “Ha