
Showing posts from April, 2024

Called To Serve In.....

Benin, Cotonou, Africa.  There was a little bit of confusion when Andy read his call.  Africa wasn't on his call and no one knew where Benin, Cotonou is.  Someone finally said it's by Nigeria, and we knew to look in Africa.  Everyone had to google information. :)   He will go to the Ghana MTC on September 12, and be speaking French.   We were in a little bit of shock, and totally excited for Andy.  He had so much support, and we are so thankful for everyone who came to support him and loves him.   Andy and Malena Coach Bryce, Andy, and Josh Eva and Malena making some guesses Andy and Josh Lacrosse team:

It's Here!

Andy's call came on Tuesday! Because of lacrosse every evening and wanting his brothers and sisters, and all his friends over, he wanted until Sunday.  It's been sitting on our mantle in an envelope.  When Andy was 8, and in cub scouts, he did a time capsule to open with he got his mission call.  He opened it at dinner, and it was so fun to look thru  all the pictures he put in there, and the other treasures that 8 year old Andy thought were important.  


 Andy met with the Stake President, President Averett, tonight.  And then we were able to meet with them and Andy pushed the submit button.  EEKKK....a little bit of tears from mom, and excitement all  around.  The wait has been about 8-20 now we wait.  So proud of Andy and his desire to serve and represent our Heavenly  Father.  

Melchizedek Priesthood

 Andy was ordained into the Melchizedek Priesthood on March 24, 2024, by his dad.  We had the whole family together, and Brent Wall, who is from the high council, and also our neighbor and friend from across the street.  Andy is such a good young man and we are excited for all the experiences he is having and coming in the future.

The Beginning!

 Andy started on his missionary papers on January 2.  He started meeting with the Bishop and had monthly interviews.  After getting dentist and doctor visits completed, and getting all the paper work done, Andy will meet with the Stake President next Wednesday.   WooHoo....exciting things coming his way!